7 Things To Do If Your Home Gets Broken Into

Your home got broken into? Isn’t that traumatizing? Cupboards were ransacked and drawers were all broken. That happens especially when there is no home security system. The department of statistics of Malaysia has recorded 16,497 break-ins in 2019. On 30 November 2020, a robbery happened in Bangsar, killing and injuring the victims as stated in the paper. The armed robbers proceeded to Taman Tiara Titiwangsa for a second break-in whereby occupants were tied up.

As serious it may be, here are 7 things you must-do if you are the victim. 



1. Stay Calm, and breathe

If you found an intruder in your home, stay calm, and remain silent. Whenever you need to confront the robber, do what the robber tells you to. Control your fear and just try to be aware of what he is doing. Steal some glances at his physical outlook. If you cooperate with him, you will realize the robbery will come to pass in a few minutes. 

In the event that the intruder doesn’t know you are home, keep very silent and do not move abruptly. Moreover, if you are by any chance near the main doors, grab the opportunity of escaping them. Get your family members out if you can and lock the intruders inside. Bear in mind, this is a risk to take, do it only if you are very confident.

However, say that you are just arriving home and think your home is broken into, leave for a safer place. Chances are intruders may be still looking around in your home without realizing you are approaching.


2. Make a Police Report. Yes, you MUST!

Immediately after you notice a break-in, call the emergency line ‘999’ and log a police report. Else, go to the nearest police station and make a report within 24 hours.

Ensure that you give all details about the burglary that attempted or happened. 

  • address
  • intruder’s description
  • how you figured out
  • list of high value stolen item
  • estimated loss amount

If you can remember what took place during the robbery, don’t hesitate to tell the police. You can provide further proof with your pictures taken. Show the police where and how the robber has broken into your home. 


3. Hey, Don’t Touch anything!

After the robbery is over, compose yourself. Do not touch anything that the robbers have left behind as evidence of proof. Leave everything as it was when they left until the police arrive at your place. If you were in during the break-in, lock all doors immediately to prevent them from returning suddenly. Take pictures as a matter of proof and wait for police arrival. Then, make a list of things that being robbed, duplicate the list for the police report, and yourself.


4. Call the Banks to Suspend all your Credit and Debit Cards

Chances are your wallets have been robbed altogether. Call the banks to suspend your credit and debit cards immediately. Giving details of the time the robbery took place. Not only this action will be able to prevent any unauthorized usage of the cards owned by you. But also be able to track if any transactions have taken place after the robbery or break-in.


5. Submit Insurance Claims

If your house is insured, do submit a claim to the insurance company with all the necessary documents. A police report is mandatory with all other proof that you may have. In the case that you do not have insurance coverage, it is very unfortunate that you have to absorb all losses.   


6. Recover Loss caused by the Break-in

Proceed to arrange for repairs on the damages caused by the intruders. Get a few quotations if the damage is major. Otherwise, engage a reliable contractor to repair where it is urgently needed. This time you must ensure additional safety measures are taken into consideration. You have to start thinking about installing a home security system.


7. Get a Reliable Security System

Install truSafe smart security system to keep your home safe from further break-ins. To keep your loved ones out of traumatic harm and unexpected dangers. With truSafe smart security system, you will be able to self-monitor your home safety via smartphone. Also, the truSafe security system is connected to the Chubb central monitoring station providing 24/7 professional monitoring service. You will be contacted immediately if the alarm was triggered. Next, the Chubb personnel alerts relevant parties such as police or bomba. 

Do not live to experience another break-in. truSafe home security system secures your home and your family.


truSafe Smart Security ensures to keep your premise safe wherever you are. We intend to revolutionize the security industry with Chubb’s 24/7 Professional Monitoring providing a complete and better solution for you.

To customize your solution, get a free quote from us.


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